
o Στουρνάρας διαψεύδει ότι η Ελλάδα χρειάζεται 3ο πακέτο

3ο πακέτο
οι ακριβείς δηλώσεις
"Greece will require additional financing, which may take the form either of official-sector involvement or of additional loans, hopefully on more favorable terms,"
και το άρθρο, όχι ο Κατσάμπας, σημειώνει
One option to restore Greece's debt trajectory to health would be another cut on the interest rate it pays on loans from euro-zone governments. More controversial options include having the ECB and euro-zone national central banks accept a rescheduling of their debts over a much longer period. The most controversial option would be for a 30% reduction—or haircut—in the value of their Greek bonds, said one official familiar with the discussions.
Another scenario calls for euro-zone governments to accept haircuts on bilateral loans they made to Greece that could amount to between €30 billion and €50 billion.

οι εξελίξεις μπορεί να είναι:
(α) νέο δάνειο
(β) νέο κούρεμα (OSI)
(γ) νομοτεχνικές ρυθμίσεις χρέους (πχ επιτόκια, επιμήκυνση δανείων, ΕΚΤ)
(δ) μόνοι σας "sorry, δεν τα καταφέρατε"

υ.γ. δείτε και την επόμενη ανάρτηση

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