
πολιτικές χρηματοπιστωτικού κλάδου

The deadline to complete the recapitalization of core banks has been extended from end-September 2012 to end-April 2013.
(their final capital needs)

banks resolution: The timeline was extended to end-June 2013. The most likely scenario involves smaller
banks being acquired by core banks in purchase and assumption transactions.

the authorities will develop an approach for the management of assets left in bad banks - best suited for Greece

Postbank’s good bank to be acquired via an open-bid process.

NPL resolution and debt workouts will be enhanced. It was agreed that banks should put in place appropriate resolution frameworks to deal with problem borrowers, including placing nonperforming assets in a dedicated unit (under a separate management team) that would specialize in facilitating debt workouts (an approach that some European banks are currently using). The use of asset management companies has not been ruled out. However, the discussions so far point to challenges associated with the use of such vehicles, includingthe lack of funding to support the operation, and a lack of high quality instruments to replace the transferred assets in the banks’ balance sheet.

The legal framework to restructure viable debtors will be revised, in line with the authorities’ commitments under the program. The current framework does not provide sufficient incentives or penalties to encourage debtors to engage in loan restructuring negotiations.

The placement of monitoring trustees in banks. ...  The role envisioned for these trustees goes beyond usual practice.

banks will be asked to standardized their asset quality disclosure (current accounting practices and reporting in Greece are not harmonized across banks in various areas, especially relating to NPLs)

the envelope of about €50 billion was found adequate with sufficient buffers to deal with stress scenarios and to address potential needs in banks’ foreign subsidiaries. ... an additional top-down verification of capital needs will be conducted by end-December 2013.


στο σφυρί το ΤΤ, αναμένεται πληθώρα M&A

τα €50δισ φτάνουν, κάθε τράπεζα θα έχει δική της bad bank, οι επίτροποι έχουν αυξημένες αρμοδιότητες

υποτίθεται ότι οι διαδικασίες ανακεφαλαιοποίησης θα ολοκληρωθούν τον Απρίλη, όμως έως τέλος 2013 θα έχουμε νέο υπολογισμό κεφαλαιακών αναγκών

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