
ΤΜΜ: We smell smoke

...the Eurocrats have moved into the depression stage of grief over the loss of their investments, both financial and political, in their Euro project and it will not take long to move from the depression stage of grief to the "acceptance" stage. We - like many now - feel that a new Greek package that includes an agreement on private participation is coming soon as it will be easier, politically (not just domestically, but also in terms of "The European Project"), for France and Germany to justify bailing out their own banks directly (blaming Greece) rather than justify bailing out Greece directly again for another year.



Really nice piece MM


Ζάχαρη said...

ναι,ειναι πολυ καλος και εδικα το συμπερασμα.

Vasilisg said...

Το πικρό ποτήρι έρχεται και θα το πιούν οι ομολογιούχοι και οι μέτοχοι των τραπεζών.

geokalp said...

καλημέρα σας

όλα δείχνουν ότι οι εταίροι και ειδικά οι Γερμανοί μας κρατάνε στη ζωή με τη μάσκα οξυγόνου, δίνοντας όσα λιγότερα μπορούν - πάντως δίνουν, ως επιλογή, όπως γράφει ο MM