
αγορές προϊόντων (product markets)

where the authorities’ work has lagged significantly.
The review focused mainly on opening up the retail sector to greater competition, in particular by removing restrictions that inhibit scale economies (smaller stores account for most grocery sales in Greece, compared to the EU average of 20 percent of sales, leaving Greece lagging EU-15 average productivity levels by 30–40 percent).
The discussions also identified changes in the fuel market and in transportation services designed to increase competition in the retail fuel market and increase the range of transportation services in the tourism industry (MEFP, Annex I.1).

απλά και κατανοητά
οι μικροί πρέπει να γίνουν μεγάλοι ή να σβήσουν
μπορούν να συνασπιστούν, άντε πες το στον ατομιστή Έλληνα

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