
Next Investment Bubble

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Five Places to Look for Next Investment Bubble: Matthew Lynn
Commentary by Matthew Lynn

Dot-coms? Done that. Property? Oil? Corn? Been there, got the T-shirt and nursed the losses, as well.
There are five areas worth thinking about:
Old Europe, automobiles, stockbroking, the dollar, and private islands.
-FIGs -- France, Italy and Germany: they will spend money on the kind of upmarket, design-led, history-rich products the FIGs are so good at making.
- automobiles: It has been almost a century since we last witnessed a gold rush in cars, suggesting it's high time for a replay
-stockbroking: It's so long since it was in fashion, there aren't even many left in business. Most are just divisions of investment banks.
-The currency bubble will involve the dollar. The markets have kicked it around for a long time, and yet by next year it may well be the U.S. that has the world's strongest economy. The weak dollar will spark an export boom. Pretty soon we'll be describing the U.S. as the new Germany -- an export-led, manufacturing economy, held back only by the reluctance of its consumers to spend money.
- There is no better way of doing that than by buying part of a country. Grab yourself a windswept, Scottish island now, ignore the gales howling in from the North Sea, and you'll be able to sell it for a fortune in a few years' time.
Just remember to get out before all the bubbles burst.


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