
Η συμβουλή του Μπερνάκι στους αμερικάνους αποταμιευτές

It does seem to be having the intended effect of lowering longer-term interest rates and twisting the yield curve
We are quite aware that very low interest rates do have costs for a lot of people. ... 
We are aware of those concerns, and we take them very seriously

There is a greater good here, which is the health and recovery of the U.S. economy

Savers are not going to get very good returns in an economy that is in a deep recession. Ultimately, if you want to earn money on your investments, you have to invest in an economy that is growing
διαβάστε περισσότερα: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/news/federal-reserve/press-conference-nov-2011.aspx


η αμερικάνικη μεσαία τάξη, ειδικά όσοι >65, θα πρέπει να αισθάνεται υπερήφανη για τον φεντιανό προεδρό της

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